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blog transferApr 30th 2012, 9:33pm


blog transfer

Published by
jcraddock   Apr 30th 2012, 9:33pm

Putting in the work.

April 30th, 2012

Another very good week of training under my belt, more-so, just a good confidence building week all around,

i had 2 workouts, and a race this week, yes you heard correct A RACE!

Lets start with the workouts

The first workout was the hill repeat workout i did a few weeks ago, and again it’s a hard workout, 10 by cemetery hill. This workout never gets any easier no matter how in shape i’m getting. This is a deceiving workout, mainly because i forget my times, or my distance up the hill for each rep. It ends up just being 10 hard efforts, which is solid.

The second workout was super surprising to me, mainly because of how I felt, and the times I saw. Don’t get me wrong, last weeks 400 workout was great but this workout was what I hope my body can do when i’m in shape. The workout was a pyramid type workout 400, 300, 200, 100, and repeat, with a moderate rest..of 200 walk….My times for the first set were easy, but I was finding how I felt for the most part. 64, 47, 27, and min 13, after this i felt strong and decided to push a little for the second set. 60, 44, 28, and high 12 for the last 100. Nothing crazy I know, but those times were exciting to see, and the workout was on a rainy, windy,cold day, by myself. Not too shabby eh?

The last hard effort of the week was a 5k I did yesterday. I ran 16:49 at delaware park ring road a notoriously slow course. This was for the Undy 5000, a race in which you where underwear. ALthough the race was a fun time i treated it seriously, and ran a hard effort. That time felt relatively easy, i was about a minute and a half in front of second place and just ran strong alone. 16:49 is the fastest i’ve ever been at this time. I usually have to spend all summer getting into that typeof shape. I know the time isn’t great but its a good time for me, and i know i’m just a few weeks out from being in the best 5k shape i’ve been in. Just seeing a decent time is enough to keep me motivated. Mainly because i’m not training for 5k’s right now, so its just a base and knowing i have a decent base for these workouts is enough to raise spirits.

I’m glad i put in the work this week with the weather, it wasn’t easy to get through this last week of semi miserable weather, but this upcoming week should be warm and solid.

April 21st, 2012 

‎”The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi

This week went pretty well, I had 3 workouts, which is more than i’ve been doing, but I knew I needed to start doing more if I want to get back in shape.

The first workout I decided to do on monday because it was 70, and well i couldn’t pass up getting on the track with the weather that gorgeous. Lombardo gave me 10 x200 meters with a 200 meter jog recovery. Most of them were right around 30 sec which was good , though probably felt harder than it should feel. I was happy with the effort and hopefully just can keep getting workouts in like this.

The next 2 days were just easy hour runs nothing special

Thursday I had a interval workout in the cemetery which went well. The last run like this I did was 6×3 min with 1:30 recovery….this workout was 5 x3 min with 1 min recovery, a slight improvement I think. Less rest at the same pace, 5:20-5:30 pace. This workout felt pretty hard overall and the last one was a relief to get through, I might have been able to get 6 in but I had to use the bathroom and didn’t want to push it.

I did yoga for the first time this week, and that felt good…I think i’m going to start adding this in to my regimen a couple times a week in hopes that with greater flexibility comes easier running perhaps. this combined with core, and hopefully getting in the weight room soon will be good to have under my belt. The core work i’m doing now is good but I’m trying to get it harder.

My last workout was saturday right after helping out at the sweet home track invite. The workout wasn’t anything special, quite short actually but fast! The workout was 2×400 and they were supposed to be under 60,and then 6×100. I ran 55, and 60 and felt pretty toasted but to my credit the weather was 41 and raining ALL day with a pretty decent wind. So the effort and the times were respectable for my current fitness level.

my weight is slowly making an improvememt. I’m down to around 156 when i woke up today/152(3) after a workout. Really not eating every time I feel the urge is almost the only way I can seem to  lose weight. It sounds unhealthy but trust me….my hunger tends to be more psychological than anything. Perhaps it’s also could be attributed to this meatless diet who knows. I’d like to see a normal weight of under 150 maybe even lower if i can do it but that may be pushing it.

I’ realizing that with all this mileage, and workouts adding up that i’m becoming more and more of my old self again, mentally i’m feeling strong, physically getting there and i should be doing some type of 5 k soon just to get a gauge of my fitness.

Lets run quote and this week

April 14th, 2012

What you forget is the pain….. It is very difficult to come back….And no one cares…. The glory in your fantasies does not exist ….”

I read the quote on letsrun.com a few years ago, and to this day i’ve never read a  more true or applicable quote that applies to my  running.This has been the quote I come back to time and time again to get me motivated. It’s amazing What a quote from a nobody on letsrun can do for you and your confidence.

This week has gone by pretty good, I had 2 workouts that were both pretty successful. The first workout was 10 hill repeats up the hill in the middle of the forest lawn cemetery. I didn’t feel great during this workout but I got through it, which is better than i was doing in the fall. I was given this workout multiple times in the fall and never actually got through the entire workout. It just keeps confirming my point that i keep making,that there is something different this year in my mentality. In the middle of the hill workout I even rolled my ankle pretty bad and kept going. My pain tolerance is higher this year.

The second workout was today (friday) was a workout i was kinda dreading because of failing to get through it twice in the fall. The workout was 12x 200′s at 30-32 with 30 sec recovery in between. Not a particularly hard workout, or a fast time to run, but when you haven’t been in that zone in quite some time you definitely feel it. I actually thought i could have done more reps after i finished 12 but mentally i was just happy to get through it.

I am getting anxious to race something or give myself a time trial just to have a starting point…..I’m afraid to see the times but i know they need to happen sooner or later.

April 9th, 2012

“Ask yourself: ‘Can I give more?’. The answer is usually: ‘Yes’”-paul tergat

week of 4/2/12-4/8

April 9th, 2012 

This week went pretty well Nothing crazy in mileage, and no crazy workouts. But after 2weeks off it was good to get a normal week in with 48 miles and a day off.

The knee is still acting up a bit, but doing all the IT band exercises and stretching seem to be helping.

On a heavier note (pun intended) my weight though not crazy is not coming down. It’s the amount of food I consume, it’s enough to feed a small african family. I know i can’t possibly need that many calories, but I find it almost impossible to cut back…..

I may start adding yoga to my running/core routine…..it couldn’t hurt right?


Well this was meant to be a short post just to at least inform myself how i’m doing, Things are looking up physically and mentally….i’m hoping to see my shimmer of former self soon… and maybe have a track time to at least have a true starting point….

Been a few weeks

April 6th, 2012

“I train in pain because I race in pain and if you can’t tolerate pain you may as well quit.” –Steve Scott

It’s been a few weeks since i’ve posted anything on here about my running. Well, i hit a bump in the road and i thought i’d try the right thing by taking a little time to heal my knee. After attempting a half marathon on no training my knee started acting up after a 70 miles week. So i decided to take the following weeks pretty easy, and after no healing i decided to just stretch, stick and foam roll the hell out of my IT BAND and just run through the injury.

That’s one reason i know somethings different this spring, the motivation to run through pain, through a minor setback….It’s these past weeks that show me that this year could be different if i let it.

Even small things such as doing core work every day has been coming easier……


ok So this week was the first harder week in 2 weeks (wow i said week alot) and today i was back to doing workouts….i did 7 x 3 minutes with  a min thirty recovery….and it didn’t go too bad. At first it was hard to find a consistent pace since i haven’t been in that zone in quite some time. But after the first rep i found my stride/pace of 5:30 per mile and just focused on form…..the 3 minutes seemed to go by fast and the pace felt comfortable.

Though this was my second workout of the year, i felt pretty good about it. My coach gave my a couple weeks of training and i’m following it….though I really want to supplement it, or add a little track work to feel more confident but we shall see….I have to talk to him first.

I’ll get back on blogging more…..

Warrior thoughts…

March 14th, 2012 

On my run yesterday I was talking to josh about my running in high school and the mentality I used to have, compared to the mentality I have now. One of the things I as saying was that I was a warrior in high school, ready to race/battle at any moment. I felt unstoppable and was willing to put myself through any amount of pain to win or to try to. Whether it is training or in a race itself I had a type of intensity that somehow throughout the years has fizzled to nothing. And now whenever I try to draw upon that, I fail, or can only summon a sliver of what used to be there.


It makes me wonder things like can I ever run like I did before; can I run my best times? I went from running with anger, or some type of insanity to now I feel like I treat it more Zen like, or just to prevent myself from getting fat. I feel as if I lost “IT” whatever it may actually be.


That’s my biggest obstacle right now, getting that intensity about myself back. The seriousness with how I treated training and racing. Perhaps I just need constant competition to bring it back.


I mean I do things like today where I ran 9.5 miles at noon and another 4 at night, which puts me at a pretty decent day. You can’t be a complete bitch and do that right? But it doesn’t feel the same. Perhaps I need the lifting and the racing, it’s the little things that make me feel like a warrior…


Ugh forever out of shape, forever chasing the self of 6 -7 years ago….it seems so far away and I fear it may be lost.

last week and beginning of this week.

March 12th, 2012 

So I haven’t posted anything in a few days, mainly trying to avoid the monotony of the post themselves. Last week ended up being a decent week of training. I ran 40 miles nothing crazy but coming off the previous 60-mile week I thought taking it easy was in order.

I took Friday and Saturday off due to the pain in my foot persisting, and still is. But Sunday I ran my first track workout since fall, or first track workout of the year. It felt good to be on the track again, I felt insanely slow and my times were as well but with the weather being nicer and my mileage steady I’ll start feeling good again soon. I just have to keep telling myself that I’m way ahead where I was last year at this time, I didn’t start seriously training until may.

So what was the workout? Well 3-mile tempo run at 5:50 pace per mile 5-minute recovery then 6×300 meters with a 100-walk recovery. My 300 times were mostly 48’s and 49’s not a bad first workout back

And that brings us to today/Monday, the weather was beautiful, the best day we have had yet. So josh and me ran 10 miles. Well I ran 9.8 miles because I couldn’t bring myself to run that extra little bit. Josh thinks we should have a rule (because we both have Garmin gps watches) that if you’re over halfway you have to go to the next mile. So 9.3 I can stop whenever…9.6 I would have to go to 10. That might be good for me, a good way to get that extra little bit in. But today I was dying from a combination of the effects of yesterday’s workout, being out of shape and getting up early for a job interview.

Goal for this week – 60 miles again but I’d like 70

wednesday part 2

March 8th, 2012 

Just a quick post to say that I got a second run in today which puts me at 15 miles for the day. This makes up for my not running on monday, and puts me at 22.43 miles for the week, not too shabby in 2 days. Gotta keep up the mileage and the posting..

tuesday and wednesday 3/5-3/6

March 7th, 2012 

Tuesdays’s run was miserable…Not so much in the regard that i felt bad (which i did) But because i always feel bad or sluggish after taking a day off. Counterintuitive right? I’ve always hated taking days off, not specifically because I feel like i’m missing out on training (which is part of the reason) but moreso because of how bad i feel when I come back.

Still no word on the food stamps but i realized that this will drastically help my weight loss mainly due to the fact that having a set amount only for food will make me plan my meals. See the way i normally go about making food is probably not the best way to go about it if i want to lose weight. Normally i get a certain amount of money (usually student loan refunds) and I splurge. I splurge on everything, i buy necessities but i buy them in bulk. This goes for food as well. I stock up. i go to the store and I buy 200 dollars worth of food and eat it until i have NOTHING in my fridge. But you see I don’t really plan meals, which means i tend to eat out more, and just throw together whatever i can whenever i want, which usually consists of pasta and meat.

But Having a set amount will actually make me take it and plan meals, which will make it easier to eat JUST that or keep track of what I am eating.


Ok back to the running talk, today was absolutely beautiful outside. 63 degrees at the beginning of march? yes please! I did 9.5 miles today and still felt pretty crappy. It’s like my body didn’t realize it was out of shape last week and my out of shapeness is kicking in this week. To my credit The wind was a bit crazy today and i started my run a bit too hard to really call it an easy run.

But it’s the days like today that recharge my system, keeps my mind motivated, reminds me all is not lost and the weather will cooperate soon enough. I’m ready to make this summer the summer I comeback. I’m single and ready to focus on my own goals.

weight before run-159.6 -still not going down but i’m sure it will soon enough.

One last thing, to anyone ACTUALLY reading this i apologize for any grammatical mistakes, I will actually start editing soon. and perhaps pictures to liven up this blog its a bit boring.

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